TUTORIAL: How to Make a Balloon Car

Watch the video in its entirety. I just have the steps typed up for reminder, but they aren’t exactly clear without any visuals. Also look at steps 8-10 in the description below because I didn’t elaborate on those in the video.

Items needed:
4 CDs
10 straws
4 barbecue sticks
small rectangular box (like a small lunchbox)

Step 1 (put 5 straws in holes of two cds): 0:22
Step 2 (do the same things with the other 5 straws and 2 cds): 0:45
Step 3 (put a barbecue stick inside one straw of the pair of 5 straws): 0:55
Step 5 (do the same with the other one): 0:58
Step 6 (put a barbecue stick on top of the ones on both wheels and tape it down): 1:03
Step 7 (do the same with the other side): 1:20
Step 8 (test your basic design by seeing if it rolls by pushing it with your hands)
Step 9: Add a light rectangular box to be used as a platform, similar to the one in the video and attach it to the body that you made in the last 8 steps with some barbecue sticks and tape.
Step 10: Put tape on your box and double-side it (with the sticky part of the tape on the outside, put the two ends together to make a ring and stick one end of the tape to the other, put it on the balloon car, and flatten it.
Step 11: Blow the balloon
Step 12: Put the balloon on the tape and let it go :) 1:36

Post time: Jun-17-2017