I demo the effects of using oilers boilers and spray bottles to texturize fluid acrylics. These 2 tools are my favourite when painting because they help me let the paint and water do the work.
I include the finished scan at the end of the video and on the website. Search “my favourite toys”
Click on the links below for more information about the products used in this video:
Golden Fluid Acrylics: https://tiny.cc/GoldenFluidAcrylics
M. Graham Watercolour 5 Set: https://tiny.cc/MGrahamWC5Set
Daniel Smith Watercolour 6 Set: https://tiny.cc/DanielSmithWC6Set
Eye Droppers 12 pk: https://tiny.cc/EyeDroppers5Set
Large Squeeze Bottles 6 set: https://tiny.cc/8ozSqueezeBottle
Mini Spray Bottles 3 pk: https://tiny.cc/MiniSprayBottles
Oiler Boiler 2pk: https://tiny.cc/NeedleTipSyringe
Small Squeeze Bottles: https://tiny.cc/SmallBottles
Cotman Watercolours: https://tiny.cc/WNWCPaint
Fluid Watercolour Block: https://tiny.cc/FluidWCBlock
Post time: Apr-15-2017