Sigg Water Bottle Review

In recent years Sigg water bottles have made a splash in outdoor gear sales. Useful, tough, and extremely trendy, Siggs allow users to exhibit style while enjoying quality Swiss engineering.

In comparing the Sigg to a standard Nalgene water bottle, I found it to have a few disadvantages:
More expensive (retails for $22 vs $12 Nalgenes)
Slightly Heavier
Cannot see contents inside
Narrow mouth makes it harder to clean and unsuitable for dishwashers

However, compared to any other water bottle, the Sigg dominates in:
Durability (Aluminum body with a proprietary lining that is smell/taste neutral, will not leach chemicals, and will not chip/crack even if the outer casing is dented)
Style (In a mark of genuis, Sigg has teamed up with artists around the world to develop designs for their bottles)

If you’re looking for something a little different from the standard Nalgene or demand ultimate reliablity, you should check out Sigg Water Bottles.

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Post time: Jun-18-2017