A clean way of refilling a self filling fountain pen on the go using an eye dropper bottle of ink.
1. Hold pen upright
2. squeeze air out of reservoir
3. saturate feed with a few drops of ink
4. let pen suck in ink
5. repeat step 3-5 until pen can no longer suck in ink
(if using a bladder refill mechanism (Hero pen), start at step 2 instead of 3)
6. if ink reservoir is not full enough go to 2
With the convenience of having a small bottle of ink with you all the time, there’s actually no need to refill to the brim (step 6).
If an owner of a Visconti travel pot feels that they no longer need the travel pot because of this method, pls send it my way I’d love to see what material is used to seal the pen to the tube and to try it out!
Post time: Mar-02-2017