Profile Solutions, manufactruer of the worlds fastest single head and high speed mulit head plastic bottle leak testers
PH: 61 1300 554 599 OR 61 2 9655 1022
Please also see.
- Soon early 2017,
- – Profileflex conveyors for North American Customers only.
Email : and for the North America
We not only supply the 6LD, but a complete range, at great value
- 2LD+ up to 3600 small bottles an hour
- 4LD up to 4500 small bottles per hour, shown with an Ethernet connection for Industry 4.0
- 6LD single head. World’s fastest single head tester.
- 6LD multi-head for medium range bottles up to 18,000 hour.
- Traveling head – multi-sections for up to 36000 per hour.
- Traveling head single section- multiple head to beyond 45,000 per hour.
-Rotaries are coming and imagine the speed with the 6&7LD head technologies.
- 30LD for up to 30litre or in manual version and automatic version up to 100L.
-30LD with up to 7 heads for high speed drum testing
- Drum weighing, CNC bung insertion, CNC dust cap placing.
- Automatic Plastic Drum Bung Insertion.
-Dust cap placing. Same system could place caps.
- 250LD WORP with weighing, orientation, punching of the rim.
- Take-outs for single stage PET machines, with integrated leak testers.
- Palletising
- Automation
Post time: Jan-22-2017