Pokemon Sun & Moon Giveaway GIANT GEN 1 POKEMON GIVEAWAY Everyone Get’s One! (please read desc

**Subscribe To See Your Name On Screen~!**

BOT WILL BE TRADING 24/7 So Please Don’t Redeposit & Read Rules

Deposit a Cutiefly for *Pokemon* requesting (level 91 or higher)

!rules = to check rules
!donate = to donate grants you 2.5k spin per $1 donated
!discord = gives you the link to our Discord server
!hug ‘@person’ = to hug someone
!kiss ‘@person’ = to kiss someone ;)
!spin = to check balance
!poke ‘@person’ = poke someone for the lolz
I’m about to say it. = you gotta find out hehe
!bet [number]
Rain drop! = drop top!
!rank = to check rank
!streamtime = tells you how long stream has been on for
!hours = tells you how long you’ve watched the stream
!day = if your lazy to check the day of the week like me
!cutiefly = tells you what cutiefly needs to be~!
!pokemon = the pokemon you can get atm

Cutiefly Locations:


It may take up to 5 mins to 6 hours for you to get the Pokemon.

(To Contact me/Follow me)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Nnooahh_
Discord: https://discord.gg/A9qVGaM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealnnooahh/
* Go Follow My Accounts To Get Updates ^ *


To Donate go here:


Donating more than $3+ will get you 3 Pokemon that can be anything as long as it’s not shiny locked or impossible to get. Any higher amount will get you the same, so example: ($5 = 5 Pokemon) Any donation $10 or higher will get a box of custom Pokemon. I like to make it worth it since you’re contributing to the channel and helping us grow a community and make it better. :) Thank you.

I will be trading donators during THE WEEKEND due to school I don’t have that much time.

Just know, you shouldn’t feel pressured in donating, donating is completely optional and it helps the streamer get to you first. If you donate, ur contributing to the channel, and helping me improve it, and you have a priority in getting your Pokemon first so you don’t have to wait in the line, any donation helps and goes to helps make the channel better. Thanks.

None of the Music is mine.
All music belongs to Alan Walker, Goblin, Kubbi, Lensko, NewCopyrightSounds, and Vexento!

Alan Walker: https://www.youtube.com/user/DjWalkzz
Laszlo: https://www.youtube.com/user/laszloedm
Lensko: https://www.youtube.com/user/LenskoOfficial
NewCopyrightSounds: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds
Vexento: https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento

“Spin” is a new currency I made, where every 10 minutes, you get 55 spin. and at 10,000 spin you can get any Pokemon of your choice , a past giveaway Pokemon. I will be adding more things to the stream so make sure to stay tuned on what I’m working on.

*Moderators get 20 Spin Coins more every 5 minutes.
*Viewers get 250 Spin Coins bonus for subscribing (one time only).
*SuperChat messages get rewarded with 500 Spin Coins for each dollar they donate.

Spinda God Rank = 100 Hours Watched
Noah’s Disciples Rank = 55 Hours Watched
Pokemon Master Rank = 50 Hours Watched
Elite Four Rank = 34 Hours Watched
Ash Rank = 25 Hours Watched
Red Rank = 20 Hours Watched
Gym Leader Rank = 15 Hours Watched
GOD Rank = 10 Hours Watched
Shiny Hunter Rank = 8 Hours Watched
Trainer Rank = 5 Hours Watched
Friend Rank = 2 Hours Watched
Viewer Rank = 0 Hours Watched


My FC is 1822-3402-6067


Post time: Jun-13-2017