Peruvian held after X-ray shows over 1 kilo of drugs in stomach

(31 May 2011)
1. Wide of police news conference with Peruvian man arrested on charges of drug smuggling, Jose Carlos Paredes Cordova, seated; customs officer holds up one of the capsules of cocaine allegedly swallowed by Cordova
2. Close up of capsule
3. Mid of bag full of capsules on desk
4. Close of Cordova
5. Various of x-ray photographs of Cordova’s body allegedly showing capsules inside him
6. Wide of news conference
7. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Jose Carlos Paredes Cordova, Peruvian arrested on charges of drug smuggling:
“I’m ashamed of myself for doing this. It’s the first time I’ve done this. I say sorry to the authorities and everyone here.”
8. Cordova being led away in handcuffs
A Peruvian man has been arrested at Bangkok’s international airport after an x-ray allegedly revealed he had more than a kilogram of cocaine concealed in his stomach.
Officials claim the drug was wrapped in 123 plastic capsules.
Customs officers say they stopped Jose Carlos Paredes Cordova on a hunch as he passed through Suvarnabhumi airport on Monday.
The 35-year-old had flown in from Sao Paolo via Qatar.
Cordova told AP Television he was offered 5-thousand US dollars to carry the drugs into Thailand.
He said it was the first time he had done it, and that he was ashamed of what he had done.
Customs officers have arrested 34 people at the airport for drugs smuggling since October last year.

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Post time: Jun-18-2017