I tried to catch our one year old opening and closing an empty Simply lemonade bottle. He has been doing this activity spontaneously for a few months now. I originally recorded him opening up another simply lemonade bottle but he wasn’t cooperating when it was time to open or close the bottle. He was more hesitant to do so but I don’t expect my children to the perform like show monkeys. He ended up opening and closing that bottle and today I tried to get a better quality video of him actually opening and closing this current simply lemonade empty bottle. He is one years old and this opening and closing bottles or jars are in activity that one year-old to do in a Montessori school or a Montessori homeschool environment. These activities are normally called practical life activities. Jar or bottle activities are normally done for one-year-olds in the Montessori 18 to three-year program. I’m sorry I have been very tired and in his video I recruited referred to the bottle as a jar. At the end it is video egg knowledge that and corrected myself. This is my very first tot schooling video I hope to share more tot schooling with the Montessori method. via YouTube Capture
Post time: Jun-17-2017