Make a VR Headset from Junk- easy google cardboard

Please watch: “4 ways to make survival fire”


Welcome to my DIY channel where we make one and have fun.
Here we make stuff from junks, household articles and explore the concepts of science in a very easy way!!!

hi guys, you are watching videoeppo and to begin with let me thank each of you who has subscribed to this channel video eppo . It a wonderful gesture guys and if you are not yet subscribed please does so for it would support and encourage me in making better videos
With that said lets head to our DIY. I am going to make a VR head set…wait a minute if you are thinking of skipping this video. I know that there are tons of videos of DIY VR head set but when I decided to make one myself, I didn’t get it right the first time. I did a couple of tries before succeeding. I made a lot of mistakes and I will share with all of that so that you can do it better and if you are thinking the Google card board is really inexpensive. Guys .this is a DIY channel, and remember.. I encourage you to make something here… so let’s make one and have fun

Choice of card board
The first mistake I did was the wrong choice of cardboard

The card board I used was too thick for this make. Not only that it was difficult to cut, putting together all parts is a mess and it won’t fit together

I made the second one with a thinner card board and I succeeded. But when I checked with Google VR specs… it says the cardboard thickness should be 1.7mm
I measured both the card boards i used and sizes where 2.5mm and 1.7 mm respectively
This time I am going use 1.4mm cardboard for the lens holder and 1.7 mm for the body which I luckily found with my jigsaw carton box. The jigsaw comes in a plastic case and this carton is of less use except for the sale details and barcodes which I have saved for future use

The second mistake I did was pasting all templates to card board, cutting them out and trying to put them together. The parts which overlap beefs up my mistakes and I discarded the whole thing

This time, I am going to paste the paper template together and roughly cut out the separate pieces.
once done you should three pieces 1.a body 2. A nose bridge 3. A lens holder
Now let’s glue this to the cardboard. Apply glue evenly and all the sheet of the paper as they tend to peel when you cut.

Although the normal cutter can be used its better to use a precision knife as the slots are finer
If you are going to use hot glue to put all parts together, then you don’t to worry about this.

Once pasted start cutting and its going to take a while. It took me more than an hour to finish this step

Once cut before putting everything together I decided to paint it black for a better finish.
Once everything was dry it was time to put the lens in its place.
I had ordered this from ebay but I will show you how to make your own in the end of this video
Once the lens was put in its place, it was time for the magnetic switch

I took a neodymium magnet from my collection and hot glued it in its place
I hot glued the lens with a tiny dab without spilling on the lens itself
And for the ceramic magnet I salvaged one from my fridge magnet, It simply stick in its place

I then cut two small strips of Velcro.(you generally get this in hardware stores as it sold with mosquito nets to hold it place) I hot glued this on top of the head set
I made two slots on the sides about 1.5 inches and slid a elastic and hot glued it as well
It was time to download some app from Google play store and have fun

To make the lens on your own, take a pet bottle with a curved neck. With its cap, trace 4 circles.
Now cut what you have traced. Look for bottles with less scratches as they work best
Put the two convex sides of the pieces together and hot glue them. You could use epoxy glue or epoxy putty like (m-seal) as well
Now with the help of a syringe fill water in it and seal the hole again.
You have a homemade lens.

I believe you I shared all I knew about make this Google card board
So make you own DIY Google card board and have fun

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Post time: Jun-15-2017