Make a Refillable Aerosol Spray Paint Can

Great for filling with your own concoctions or fill with bulk PB-Blaster or WD-40.


Add air back into a dead can:

I would degrease the inside of the can if it had lubricant like wd-40 in it before I soldered. I would do this with brake cleaner or carb cleaner and swish it around on the inside.

This video is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t try this at home….

Works on most dead aerosol cans

WD40 paint cans virtually any spray cans
Refill wd40 cans
Recharge wd40 cans

The can will have a rating on the back(usually by the bar code). Most are DOT 2Q which means they are rated to at least 270psi before it will burst and designed for an operating pressure up to around 180psi @130F degrees. 99% of all air compressors put out a max of 120psi so you can’t get close to the safe rating. I generally only put 50psi in mine as it seams to be ample.

USA ratings At 130F degrees
No Code Minimum burst 210psi
DOT 2P Minimum burst 240psi
DOT 2Q Minimum burst 270psi

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Post time: Jun-18-2017