I was given an empty whiskey bottle by a friend who said he wanted to make a lamp out of it but didn’t know where to start so of course I offered to help. I have dabbled in cutting glass before but have never tried cutting bits off bottles so this was a learning experience for me. After checking out a few different videos I attempted to use a thermal shock method of splitting the bottom off the whiskey bottle however this was a dismal failure. I ended up using a specialist glass cutting disc for my rotary tool mounted in a jig I built to cut the bottom off the whiskey bottle.
The next task was to turn an old table leg into a lamp base which I did by drilling a hole through the centre with a hole saw wide enough for my lamp fixture but not the collars to pass through. I also used a larger hole saw to cut a groove for the whiskey bottle to sit in, and finally I used an even larger hole saw to cut a disc out of a bit of old table top to create a solid base. I used a router to tidy up this base and give it a nice rounded edge, before gluing the two pieces together with wood glue. Once the glue dried I gave it a coat of boiled linseed oil followed by a spray of hardwood oil before fitting the bulb and whiskey bottle.
If you have documented any similar builds I am more than happy for you to link to your own videos in the comments.
Check out the Instructable I wrote for this project if you want to try one yourself, don’t forget to vote for me in the contests
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Post time: Jun-18-2017