Warning: Compressed air can be dangerous. I suggest you google “how much pressure can a soda bottle hold” before you get carried away pumping up the pressure in the bottle.
2 litre Soda Bottle
Car Tyre Valve assembly
Large Map Pin
Thick Corrugated Cardboard
4 CDs or DVDs
8 Plastic bottle tops
2 Ballpen tubes
2 wooden skewers
Sticky tape
Double sided tape would be handy
Felt Marker pen
Craft Knife
Car Footpump
Here is an interesting video on bursting soda bottles
Some helpfiles
Making the CD wheels https://youtu.be/ZRrjBuWfmrM
CD Wheels with Cardboard Hubs https://youtu.be/Js1rtn2IGTE
Putting rubber tyres on CDs https://youtu.be/ZnuPnveCbxs
Connecting rubber bands https://youtu.be/EbYuhdwknbs
Connecting the band to the axle https://youtu.be/0wPYxloUFJQ
Related playlists
Air Powered Cars and other toys https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB12AjOGqZQmFTeAkAp7apfC
Toy Cars playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB3lGxxzEo_ZDnjnOtIlk50Q
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Merchandise – Check both of these links if you are interested as the prices will vary and the shipping charges will be different.
I have thousands of videos on YouTube, to find one try my search guides https://youtu.be/ceBSOoOHcgw or https://youtu.be/Zj4UgwkwYRk
My “GrandadsOtherChannel” channel is generally where I will host the videos that give extra detail or longer versions of the videos I post on my main channel https://www.youtube.com/c/GrandadsOtherChannel
Post time: Jun-16-2017