Integro Tech Vision Integrator: Bottle Inspection

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Integro Technologies specializes in bottle machine vision solutions and can provide reliable inspection throughout the bottling process.

Starting with the initial ingredients or syrup packaging, the case labels can be 100% verified for all print and ingredient statements prior to mixing or shipping.

In the depalitizing area, the cameras can determine if the correct bottle is on the line, and if there are mold or deformation defects that could cause jams in the labeler or capper stations.

Once the bottle has been deemed appropriate to fill, the Cap and Fill Level inspection mounts at the exit of the capper and verifies the presence and integrity of the safety seal (locked, broken, missing), cap height relative to the flange, and the fill level of the translucent bottles.

After packaging, a vision station can verify that the case is full and all cap colors match prior to sealing.

Please contact Integro Technologies for more information about how machine vision can improve your manufacturing process, increase quality, and reduce downtime.

We see what others can’t!

Post time: Jun-18-2017