How To Use Sgreen Supreme Screen Printing Press Wash

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Hey screen printers, it’s Ryan from Ryonet. In this instructional screen printing video, we are going to show you how to safely clean plastisol screens on press for a quick color changed or final clean for storage or reclaiming. Today we are using Ryonet’s new formula of Sgreen Supreme Plastisol Press Wash. Sgreen Supreme is a greener alternative citrus based press wash and ink wipe use for dry on press cleaning applications.

There are two ways to use SGREEN supreme, in a plunger can as you see here, or in a spray bottle. The solvent base is citrus so the smell isn’t bad however if you are using a spray bottle it is better to use a sprayer that sprays a larger particulate and not a fine mist to avoid atomization of the product.

To use first card off as much ink as possible. This allows you to use less product and saves you money in ink. Spray on the product or dab your cleaning rag or shop towel into the plunger. First scrub in a circular motion with your wet rag, this can also be a heavy duty disposable towel. I then fold my rag over to the dryer side to soak up more of the chemical once it has done the job of degrading the ink. Once your have removed the majority of the ink, take a clean or almost clean rag, preferably cotton, and buff of the residue. If you do this properly you will be able to apply tape almost immediately after use.

Sgreen supreme can also be used as a screen opener for stuck areas of the mesh, if youre using it this way, spray from the inside of the screen through the mesh and ensure all chemical stays away from the bulk ink resivore in the screen.

It’s important to note that we do have CA compliant sgreen supreme that would be purchased and used if you are in the southern california air compliance region. Also, if you’re looking for an Ink Degradent, we have our new soy based Sgreen Degrader for use with degrading ink in the washout sink.

So, for a greener way to clean your screens, check out sgreen supreme at, thanks a lot for watching and be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel for more awesome screen printing videos.

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Post time: Oct-20-2017