How to Make The Metal Melter

High amperage electricity can easily melt metal! In this video you’ll learn step by step how to modify a microwave oven transformer into a high-current device that can pump out 800 amps of electrical current. This is how to build The Metal Melter!

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Burning galvanized metal may release toxic Zinc Oxide fumes. This project is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in severe electric shock, cardiac arrest, serious injury, permanent damage to equipment and property, and/or death. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Music By: Music by Jason Shaw (TU-GetAMoveOn)

Project Inspired By: and

Project History & More Info:

By modifying the secondary coil on a MOT, the transformer is converted from a high voltage/low current device into a low voltage/high current metal melter. The first MOT in the video produces just over 500 amps, and the second one is capable of nearly 800 amps.

Any metal that can conduct such low voltage electricity acts as a resistor between the electrode wires, and heats up due to the extreme electrical friction.

A practical application of this modified transformer is shown in another video on how to make a spot welder. This way, the high current can be directed to one focused location to fuse sheets of metal together on contact.

Post time: Jun-16-2017