How To Make Flower Vase From Plastic Bottle – Best out of waste

DIY Creative Ways to Reuse / Recycle Plastic Bottle
This creation resembles a fragile glass or crystal jar, it’s unbreakable will in any case be reused later if sought! See step one to start along with your own special reused plastic bottle flower vase.
Step 1: Remove label clearly from 2 litre mirinda bottle.
Step 2: Mark and cut the smooth center segment of the plastic bottle to give an excellent edge.
Step 3: Measure and make straight, uniformly dispersed cuts the distance around the container.
Step 4: Precisely press and fold every one of the strips outward to make a level edge the distance around.
Step 5: Press the plastic bottle topsy turvy on a level surface to guarantee an even edge.
Step 6: Weave the plastic tip of a strip over the next strip.
Step 7: Fold and wrinkle the following one the same way as shown in step6.
Step 8: Proceed tuck everyone under the following until woven in totally complete.

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Post time: Jun-15-2017