Do It Yourself stick and spray deodorants.
Pick and chose your fragrance and make your own toxic free deodorants!
Always do a skin test before using any products.
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Deodorant Stick
1/4 cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder
1/4 cup of aluminum free bicarbonate of soda
2 tablespoon of Mango butter or shea butter, cocoa butter
1 tablespoon of Coconut oil. Coconut oil solidifies under 70 something degrees but would not be the right option to use alone if you want to make a stick deodorant.
5 to 8 drops of Tea Tree oil -or lavender oil, cinnamon oil, peppermint, sandalwood….
5 to 8 drops of Ylang Ylang -or any other essential that you like. Such as lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus and patchouli. This is an opportunity to be very creative and create a scent for a man or a woman.
Deodorant spray
1.5oz witch hazel or aloe vera juice. For sensitive skin use part distilled water part witch hazel.
6 drops of tea tree oil
6 drops of lemongrass oil
1 glass spray bottle
Post time: Apr-27-2017