How to make a Windchime: part1

I sat down the other night to make a beaded windchime & decided to video how I did it. I’ve never tried to sit down & explain how I make things before- usually I just, well, make them. Its nothing fancy but it is fun & you get a nice bit of shiny clinky art to hang in your backyard. [Some folks will say this is "Craft" not "Art" but ive never really seen a difference between them XD]
I started makng windchimes because I was tired of throwing out flawed beads. They’re chipped, cracked, have sharp edges or bits that poke out [In other words beads you dont want to use on a necklace or bracelet] so instead of thowing them in the trash i collected them, sorted by colour & eventually turn them into windchimes where the flaws dont matter. Unfortunately Ive got more flawed beads then plastic rings. XD
I chopped the vid into 2 sections because it was getting a bit long. :) [I sound a bit stuffy, I know, I'm just getting over a cold.]

To make I used:
1 spool waxed linnen thread
1 plastic separator ring with 6 holes [i buy windchimes at the dollarstore to get the ring, I dont know where else to get them]
drilled seashells [4 large, 7 small.] Some shells I bought- check a craft or hobby store- others ive picked up at the beach [make sure they dont have hermit crabs in them!]
3 metal chimes
1 metal knocker [plus a small metal bead for weight]
an assortment of colourful glass beads in different sizes [plus "E" & "seed" beads as spacers]
a sharpie marker [to tie the string around. any pen will do.]
a pocketknife [for trimming, unknoting, etc]

Post time: Jun-16-2017