How to make a Bottle Bell Wind Chime

You can cut the bottom off wine bottles and recycle them into attractive wind chime bells. This video will show you how using basic household tools. You CAN do this! I cut the star out of copper flashing. You can buy sheet copper but it’s very expensive. Try to find a copper shop that makes copper gutters or installs copper roofs. Upper end houses often have copper roof over a porch or bay window. IF you can find the guy who does that he will probably sell you a scrap for not too much. You could also use aluminum flashing from any large home store such as Home Depot or Lowes or a well stocked hardware store. Finally you can use corks and hot glue to make a “flag” out of corks. Make it triangle or any shape that suits you. You could even cut a star out of a flattened tin can and just paint it a pretty color. Guess I need to make a little video of how to make the star one day…..

Post time: Jun-21-2017