How To Cast A Full Aluminium Rambone Slingshot at Home

Since making this video I have made loads of other casting videos, check them out here:

I cast this slingshot using the lost foam casting method!
This slingshot is a rambone style slingshot designed by joerg sprave! thanks for the awesome design joerg!

My Metal Casting Playlist:

rambone files:

Thermite Casting Fail:

Micarta Tutorial:

Bands Tutorial:

i hold no responsibility for any damage or injury caused if you try to re create this weapon.
if you do make this weapon be safe and always wear glasses when using it.
always use this weapon in a safe and controlled environment where no one is in danger because of your actions!
don’t be an idiot!

This is a video is promoted by a collaboration with theartofweapons and MyGunfreak`s Channel. Both channels persue the same goal and basically build similar things. If you whant to see more on the topic of the video please visit the two channels:

Music provided by
License information:

Download the Track here:!z5RhxQIS!QyboyCYP7eGUi5hNFIZ40kgbTR4HDnW396kv837ECnY

Post time: Jun-19-2017