How I made a decorative mushroom lamp

My take on Matt’s original idea.
DIY Perks –
Check out his other videos too, high quality content there.

Music: チップチューン ラスタ by Ultrasyd (
Thanks to Ultrasyd and Bleepstreet Records for letting me use this song. (

List of components:
- Wood log
- LEDs (color depending on the mushroom color)
- Current limiting resistors (values depending on the LEDs used)
- Potentiometer (dimmer)
- Arduino nano (to get the pot input value and power the LEDs accordingly, also to make the mushroom gently pulse)
- Electrical wires
- Perf board
- Clear silicone sealant (the one that smells like vinegar)
- Plastic wrap (to form the stems and caps)
- Acrylic paint

Post time: Jun-20-2017