Homemade Air Freshener Recipe

Discount on 4 ounce glass spray bottles: https://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/fin31a.html Use Coupon Code: SKSCoupon02

Recipe Ideas: https://ohlardy.com/10-homemade-air-freshener-recipes/

I love having air freshener sprays in bathrooms, my car, anywhere that can use a nice scent to help things smell fresh. Sadly, most air freshener sprays on the market simply cover up odors and are full of toxic substances that are no good for our bodies and our homes.

Many air fresheners contain pthalates,—hazardous chemicals known to cause hormonal abnormalities, birth defects, and reproductive problems. According to care2.com:

These are not something I want to be spraying around my family or into my environment.

Opening a window is a great way to clear the air in your home or car. Sometimes, certain rooms do not have access to windows or the weather outside prohibits you from wanting to open a window. I like to make my own air fresheners for these cases!

What I love about using essential oils, is I can create homemade products using scents I enjoy, that are safe for my family and experience their therapeutic benefits at the same time!

Here are my 10 favorite homemade air freshener recipes. Now, remember, these are just guidelines. You can use the same formula and create whatever concoction you like using your favorite oils! Do you have a favorite air freshener blend? Leave it in the comments!

Post time: Feb-08-2017