Fixing Problems with Mercedes Engine Coolant Reservoir Tanks

Kent will explain and show you some of the problems that can show up related to your engine’s coolant reservoir tank. You need to keep an eye on the tank when the car gets 20 years or older. Don’t neglect the cap. A bad cap can cause loss of coolant. This applies to most models from 1981 to 1995 including the 260E 300E 300D 300TD 300TE 300CE 400E 500E E320 E420 and E300D. Applies to all 140 chassis 300SE, 300SD, 500SEL 350SD, S320, S350, S420, S500 and S600. Models 230 240D 240TD 280E 280CE 300D 300CD 300TD, 126 chassis 380SE/L 300SD 500SE/L 300SDL 420SE/L 300SE/L 560SE/L 380SEC 560SEC 1981-1991, 201 Chassis 190E and 190D 1984 to 1993

Post time: Dec-25-2016