Kathy from spOILed Nice here! This is my first video like this using this camera, so I wasn’t always exactly on frame. I’m sorry for that, but I do believe that all of the information is on here that you need for filling the 5/8 dram bottles that come in your doTERRA 8-vial keychain. This same method works for the very tiny 1/4 dram bottles as well.
We are Krissy, Cheryl, and Kathy, friends and moms with 8 children between us, aged 1-14 (four boys and four girls). We’re just starting out on our blog, www.spOILedNice.blogspot.com, but this is the kind of information we’re going to be sharing, along with testimonials about our families’ use of the oils. Our hope is for you to get the tools and the information you need to get spOILed Nice right along with us by the amazing Certified Pure Theraputic Grade doTERRA essential oils.
Post time: May-19-2017