ENG: Easy to make fridge magnets! The perfect give away or last minute gift including your favourite photos or scrapbook paper.
You need:
- self-adhesive magnetic sheet
- bottle caps
- small photos, scrapbook paper
- scissors, marker pen, glue
Deutsch: Kühlschrankmagnete aus Kronkorken selbstgemacht! Einfach und schnell – das perfekte Mitbringsel oder Geschenk in letzter Minute.
Ihr benötigt:
- Selbstklebende Magnetfolie
- Kronkorken
- Fotos, dickes Papier
- Schere, Stift, Kleber
The self-adhesive magnetic sheet can be bought here: https://www.supermagnete.com/MS-A4-STIC
The copper magnetic board (shown at the end of the video) can be bought here: https://www.supermagnete.com/MB-12
Music by www.bensound.com
Post time: Jun-14-2017