DIY Bottle Cap Magnets

Recycle your bottle caps with this incredibly simple & inexpensive DIY project. OPEN FOR MORE INFORMATION!


+MATERIALS: bottle caps, buttons, adhesive (E6000), magnets

+WHY ADD THE BUTTONS? I didn’t want the edges of the bottle cap to scrape the refrigerator or any photographs that I use the magnets on. The magnet itself was thinner than the bottle cap so I added two buttons so that the whole bottle cap magnet wouldn’t be scrape against any surface I apply it to.

+WHERE CAN I GET THOSE MAGNETS? Any craft store. I got a packet of 8 for less than $2.

+DO I HAVE TO USE E6000? No. Any super glue will do.

+MUSIC by Lo-Fi is Sci-Fi: “Phase IV” (Used under Creative Commons Attribution Licensing) — available for free here:

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Post time: Jun-16-2017