This video is a project created by one of the students of MIPA Untan Pontianak, Muhammad Iqbal Qeis.
Perfume Refill
In an age that has developed Currently many types of activities or the activities undertaken by the majority of people out there that certainly we as a human being must interacting with other human beings and certainly involves many people such as in offices, markets, public transportation, malls, fitness center or the like, and in our interaction will be more confident when we come to support the appearance, such as the well-dressed and scented, of course.
At the present time many different brands and types of perfumes on the market either perfume or fragrance refill or commonly called the perfume refill.
Therefore today we will discuss the perfume refill or refill that can be affordable by all people and are already widely available in a variety of cities in this country is mainly in the city of Pontianak.
Perfume refill or commonly called to refill perfume is a perfume seed itself is the basic ingredient of perfume from the processing and mixing several materials so as to produce a perfume that is ready to be marketed by the manufacturer of the seeds of the perfume.
Usually the perfume seedlings will be packaged in aluminum cans and a half kilo gram or one kilo gram is then ready to be marketed, which will be up in the hands of retailers, such as those around us.
Perfume or perfume is the fragrance resulting from the extraction process aromatic ingredients that are used to give a fragrant aroma for the body, object or space objects.
The extraction process produces an essential oil which has a highly concentrated scent.
Plumpness perfume resulting from the extraction of plants such as flowers, roots, leaves or wood but in the context of today musk perfume has been replaced with a synthetic compound.
Perfume is usually sold does not consist of entirely pure essential oils, but has gone through the process of mixing and dilution, the mixture consisting of essential oil itself, distilled water and alcohol.
Alcohol use is ethanol produced from pure substances so that its use as a mixture of perfume is lawful and legitimate when used for prayers.
Post time: Jun-15-2017