The Bottle Cap Tumbler is an amazing rolling toy. All you require is two bottle caps, marble, and some card sheet and glue. Place a marble between the two lids and then tape them together. Because of the marble inside the lids will roll. From card sheet cut out the forms as shown. Apply rubber glue to the rectangular part and stick it to the lids. The rectangular part will just go round the perimeter of the lids and only the two legs will jut out. The other part is the body and head. Glue it on the opposite side to the legs. Now the toy is almost ready to roll on. You have the head and the legs and they will be form two parallel lines separated by the diameter of the lids.
Stand the lids. On moving them a little they will start rocking. Place the toy on a ramp and it will come rolling down to your utter delight. You can make a colorful tumbling joker out of this toy. The pictures are given and it is easy to make. Place the Joker on the ramp and it will come tumbling out. This simple toy will give you hours of fun. This work was supported by IUCAA and Tata Trust. This film was made by Ashok Rupner TATA Trust: Education is one of the key focus areas for Tata Trusts, aiming towards enabling access of quality education to the underprivileged population in India. To facilitate quality in teaching and learning of Science education through workshops, capacity building and resource creation, Tata Trusts have been supporting Muktangan Vigyan Shodhika (MVS), IUCAA’s Children’s Science Centre, since inception. To know more about other initiatives of Tata Trusts, please visit
Post time: Jun-18-2017