EasiCap – Bottle Cap Liquor Security
EasiCap made from almost indestructible polycarbonate – the BEST ANTI-THEFT LIQUOR SECURITY ON THE MARKET.
- EasiCaps provide an easy to use and effective method to help reduce shoplifting and theft or your liquor bottles on display.
- Unique patented benefit denial bottle cap – security bottle caps are made from almost indestructible polycarbonate. A thief would have to smash the bottle to access the liquor.
- The fully enclosed design prevents the decanting of the bottles in the store.
- Caps are fitted with a simple twist and removed single handed on a conventional magnetic detacher.
- The caps unique design allow them to be used without sacrificing shelf height.
- 3 cap sizes available – to suit the majority of bottle types.
- Use with RE1200 Magnetic Detacher.
- Extremely effective with or without an EAS system at the door.
Find out more by visiting https://retailtheftcontrol.com.au/products/bottle-cap-liquor-security/
Post time: Jun-21-2017