Axel Posluschny | Princely Sites: Landscapes and a View from Above

Axel Posluschny is the Head of the Research Centre of the Keltenwelt am Glauberg (World of the Celts at the Glauberg) in Germany and a Visiting Scholar in Archaeology and the Ancient World at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology. His work focuses on landscape archaeology, settlement archaeology, remote sensing, and other surveying techniques. He has been involved in the Fürstensitze & Umland project using geophysics and LiDAR scans to understand Iron Age landscapes in Europe, and more recently has played a leading role in the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe project which aims for better use and appreciation of landscape archaeology tools like geophysics, aerial archaeology, satellite imagery, and LiDAR.

Brown University
April 10, 2017

Post time: Jun-21-2017