Arthritis Help
The Open Sesame ® provides arthritis help by helping people open tightly screwed on bottle caps much easier, they can also use the Open Sesame ® to open bottles were you have to pry off the cap and you can use the Open Sesame ® to lift up the metal tabs on aluminum can of soft drinks.It is Magnetic and Ergonomic for the good of easy use.
It’s frustrating and to some, embarrassing to have to ask for help – or have to WAIT for help – to open a common drink plastic bottle, glass bottle or aluminum can. Our simple Arthritis Help for cans & bottle can add independence and pain free opening for people of various age groups especially seniors and anyone who find lifting tabs and opening bottles very difficult.
More and more are using the Easy bottle opener Open Sesame ® to open any beer, soda or Juice that comes in plastic – aluminum or glass.
The Bottle Opener Open Sesame ® is the best easy open there is for Arthritis Help.
Number 1 Assistive Device – Devices – Arthritis Help
Post time: Jun-20-2017