10 Awesome Life Hacks

Hello and welcome to 10 awesome life hacks.

Number 10: Put your straw in your drinks tab to keep it from rising out of your drink.

Number 9: Hide emergency money in an empty lip balm. Great to hide from thieves while on holiday.

Number 8: Want to sleep on a train but scared of you bag being stolen? Put your leg in the bag strap.

Number 7: Use a spring from an old pen to put around your charger to stop it bending or breaking.

Number 6: To remover the stem from a strawberry, insert a straw from the bottom, through the middle.

Number 5: Almost finished your jar of nutella? Add ice cream to it to create a great snack.

Number 4: Use nail polish or paint to distinguish between different keys.

Number 3: Turn an old milk bottle into a watering can. Poke a few holes into the bottle cap and fill it
with water.

Number 2: Freeze grapes and place in white whine to cool it without watering it down.

Number 1: Use AAA batteries instead of AA batteries and fill in the gaps with tin foil.

Post time: Jun-17-2017